Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Virtual Learning Strategies

  • Visual Schedule/Checklist
    Visual Checklist
  • Chunk tasks into 10-15 minutes of work at a time
  • Use a timer to show how much time the child has left to work. You can use your timer on your phone, a kitchen timer, etc.
  • Break up the child’s schedule with physical and sitting down activities. Allow your child to have short movement breaks.
  • Have your child sit at a stable surface that mimics a desk as much as possible (ex: kitchen table, dining room table, kitchen island, office desk, etc.)
  • Limit distractions during work time (ex: try to make sure your child is not accessing non-school materials/sites on the internet and on their iPad or computer, have the television and other electronics off, make sure they do not have access to their cellphone/cellphone is turned off, have your child work in a separate room without others while they are working on school work, close blinds/curtains, etc.)
  • Provide a quick tap on the shoulder/table or provide another quick prompt when your child is inattentive to their current task.
  • First-Then Chart
    First then chart
    First then chart 2
    First then chart 3
  • Behavior Star Chart
    Behavior Star Chart
  • Behavior Awareness Cards
    Behavior Awareness Cards
  • Break Card
    Break Card
  • View text-based website