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Volunteer Clearances

Obtain your clearances

All volunteers with the North Hills School District are required to obtain the clearances detailed on this page. Clearances must be submitted to the appropriate building or district office at least one (1) month prior to the volunteer's intended start date. Clearances are valid for five years from the date validated by the state of Pennsylvania.

All volunteers should complete the following:

Have you been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years?

  • If YES, this Disclosure Statement Application for Volunteers must be signed in front of a NHSD employee. Do not complete or sign this application until you are at your student's school submitting your clearances as obtained above.
  • If NO, you must complete a Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal background report. Click here to begin the process online. Enter the Service Code 1KG6ZJ for Pennsylvania Department of Education and click "Schedule or Manage Appointment" to locate and make an appointment at a fingerprinting service center.

Submit your clearances

After receiving the results of the above clearances, volunteers must submit their clearances to the school building where they intend to volunteer at least one (1) month prior to their intended start date. Please call your child's school first to schedule a time to submit clearances.

  • Volunteers must bring in printed versions of their clearances.
  • Continuous residents of Pennsylvania should not sign the disclosure statement application until after they arrive at school.
  • Non-continuous Pennsylvania residents must bring a copy of their federal criminal history background check.

Submit your volunteer application

After you have submitted your clearances to the school, complete and submit the NHSD Volunteer Application through Raptor, the district's visitor management system. Please note: the dates on your submitted forms must exactly match the dates you submit in Raptor.

All volunteers will receive final approval via email from Raptor once approved by district administration.