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North Hills School District Board Policy 204 requires that school age students enrolled in district schools attend school regularly.

All student absences, late arrivals, early dismissals and dismissal changes should be reported through School Dismissal Manager (SDM). SDM is accessible through a web browser or iOS or Android app.


Students shall not accumulate more than nine absences in a semester and more than 18 absences during a school year. A written excuse is not required when a reason for the absence is entered in School Dismissal Manager (SDM). A doctor’s note is required after three consecutive school days absent. Doctor's notes can be sent to school when the student returns.

Late Arrivals

Students arriving late to school will be marked tardy. For a tardy to be “excused,” a note must be submitted upon arrival at the school. Accumulation of unexcused tardiness to school will result in disciplinary action. Students who drive to school and who are chronically late may have their parking and driving privileges suspended.

Early Dismissals

Early dismissal exceptions can be made in advance or on the current day using School Dismissal Manager (SDM).