The superintendent or designee may excuse a student from school attendance to participate in an educational tour or trip not sponsored by the North Hills School District if the following conditions are met:
- Unless unusual circumstances exist, the parent/guardian will submit a written request using this Educational Trip Request form, for excusal two (2) weeks prior to the date of the trip.
- The adult directing and supervising the tour or trip is acceptable to the parents/guardians and the superintendent or designee.
- Students shall be granted the privilege of making up work missed by excused absence. However, the responsibility for making up the work lies entirely with the student. Arrangements shall be made with the teachers as to the work which will be missed.
Absences as a result of educational trips will accrue towards a student’s total number of absences in a given school year. The superintendent or designee may deny requests, or limit the duration of tours or trips for which excused absences for the student would exceed nine (9) absences in a semester or eighteen (18) absences in a school year.
Extended travel on the part of the student's family which necessitates the accompaniment of the student under exceptionally urgent reasons that will exceed nine (9) school days, the student will be removed as a full-time student. The district will attempt to provide support to the student during the extended absence so that he/she is able to make successful reentry into the school upon their return. The family will need to reenroll the child upon return.
In determining whether a student may be excused from school attendance in order to participate in major music trips, major athletic trips (refer to the Athletic Handbook for more details), field trips, and college visitation trips, the building administrator may give consideration to the student’s record of unexcused/unlawful absences and the student’s cumulative excused absences for the school year in question. Prior excessive absences may limit participation in school-sponsored trips and activities.
To request planned absence(s) be approved as an excused educational trip submit this form to each child's building principal.