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Nondiscrimination & Title IX

North Hills School District does not discriminate in its educational programs, services, activities, employment practices or administration of policies based on race, color, national origin, genetic information, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, ancestry or any other legally protected category, and is required by Title IX not to discriminate in such a manner.

The Board declares it to be the policy of this district to provide a safe, positive learning and working environment that is free from bullying, hazing, dating violence, sexual harassment and other discrimination, and retaliation. If you have experienced or have knowledge of any such actions, you are encouraged to contact the district’s Title IX Coordinator. They can support you by answering any questions about the report form, reviewing the report form for completion, and assisting with completion of the report, as necessary.

Announcement of this policy is in accordance with local, state and federal laws including the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX, civil rights, school district policies and grievance procedures should be referred to the district’s Title IX Coordinator.

Title IX Coordinator

LaMont Lyons serves as the district's Title IX Coordinator.

LaMont Lyons

LaMont Lyons

Director of Student & Community Engagement

File a Complaint

If you would like to file a complaint, please complete the form below. All complaints will be acknowledged within one (1) business day.

The complainant may be contacted outside of this acknowledgment by district investigators as additional information is required.

When the school or district learns that someone is alleged to be the victim of discrimination or sexual harassment as outlined, the Title IX coordinator will immediately contact the district's solicitor to ensure regulatory and procedural compliance. Based on the nature of the complaint, the roles of investigator and decision-maker will be assigned. By regulation, these are separate roles.

Non-Discrimination and Related Policies

  • Policy 103: Program for Equal and Appropriate School and Classroom Practices
  • Policy 104: Programs for Equal Employment/Contract Practices
  • Policy 113: Special Education
  • Policy 113.1: Discipline of Students with Disabilities
  • Policy 233, 333: Sexual Harassment
  • Policy 234: Anti-Hazing
  • Policy 236: Nondiscrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy and Procedures
  • Policy 241: Bullying/Cyber Bullying
  • Policy 315: Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Policy 332: Nondiscrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedures