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Student Devices

North Hills School District students in grades K-8 are issued a 7th Generation Apple iPad. Students in grades 9-12 are issued a Dell Latitude 3140 2-in-1 laptop. The devices are important learning tools and it is the student's responsibility to care for the device and ensure that it is kept safe.

Students and families are liable for ALL damage and repair costs to iPads and laptops, including accidental damages. Insurance is strongly recommended.

To report a lost or damaged device, contact your child's teacher. The teacher will follow protocols to get the device repaired or replaced.

Student Accounts

All students in grades K-12 receive a district Network account and a district Google account.

Agreements & Acknowledgements

All students and families must review the following technology use agreements. Parents/guardians will be asked to acknowledge they have read these and accept the terms and guidelines when completing back-to-school forms each year.

Device Use and Loan Agreement

Network Acceptable Use Policy

Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA)

student working on iPad with teacher