K-12 Music Program
In the elementary schools, all students receive instruction in general music once every six days from an elementary music specialist. Students may elect to participate in band or orchestra beginning in grade four and continuing through grade six, receiving lessons twice every six days from an instrumental specialist. An extra-curricular children's choir gathers together students in grades four through six from each of the elementary schools once per week. Additionally, band lessons, a strings camp, and a drama camp take place during the summer months for interested students.
North Hills Middle School offers students in grades seven and eight the ability to participate in a variety of ensembles, including three bands, two choirs and an orchestra. General music courses utilize guitar and world drumming instruction. Extra-curricular offerings include Marching Band, Jazz Band, Concert Choir, Drumming Ensemble and the Winter Musical.
At North Hills High School, four concert bands, a jazz band, two choirs, two orchestras and a guitar ensemble rehearse daily. Extra-curricular ensembles include Marching Band, Jazz II, North Hills Singers, Madrigal Choir, Symphonic Orchestra, Rock Orchestra, Pit Orchestra and the Spring Musical. Additional courses offered include music theory, music technology and AP Music Theory.
General Music (Grades K-12)
Mrs. Emma Jenkins (McIntyre, Highcliff)
Ms. Lisa Marcellus (Highcliff, West View)
Ms. Maura Rushlander (Ross, West View)
Students in the North Hills School District receive music instruction once per six-day rotation for a 40 minute period, taught by a certified music specialist. Assessment is ongoing, and progress is reported at the end of each semester according to the following criteria:
- Singing
- Playing Instruments
- Reading & Notating Music
- Knowledge of Content
Students in grades K-5 follow the Game Plan music curriculum to deliver instruction.
Kindergarten students will:
- demonstrate an understanding of beat maintenance through movement, playing of classroom instruments and responding to age appropriate musical selections
- participate in group and individual singing activities to enhance the development of their singing voice.
- develop the concept of beat or pulse.
First Grade students will:
- demonstrate an understanding of beat maintenance and rhythm through movement, playing of classroom instruments and responding to age appropriate musical selections.
- participate in group and individual singing activities to enhance the development of their singing voice.
- differentiate between the concept of beat and rhythm.
Second Grade students will:
- explore rhythmic and melodic notation and basic music symbols.
- practice matching pitch with their voices through individual and group activities.
- identify simple song structure.
- explore the concepts of beat and rhythm through movement, listening and playing of instruments.
- instruments as well as in singing, listening and dancing/body movement.
Students in second grade also participate in the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra's Schooltime Concert series by attending a performance at Heinz Hall designed to introduce them to the instruments of the orchestra. For more information, visit the Education and Outreach section of www.pittsburghsymphony.org
Third Grade students will:
- read and play rhythmic notation and label pitches on the staff.
- begin to recognize and use the concept of harmony through listening, singing and instrumental accompaniment.
- recognize and label instruments of the orchestra.
- explore music from other cultures.
Fourth Grade students will:
- recognize and identify basic meter signatures through written and oral activities.
- perform in small vocal and instrumental classroom ensembles to demonstrate rhythm, melody and harmony
- recognize and sing a major scale
- identify simple musical forms and symbols representing tempo, dynamics and techniques.
At this level, students may participate in Orchestra (Beginning Strings) and Instrumental Music (Beginning Band 4). Fourth grade students also attend a performance of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra as a part of the orchestra's Education and Outreach Schooltime Concert series. Visit www.pittsburghsymphony.org for more information.
Fifth Grade students will:
- create a rhythmic composition.
- identify, show and follow melodic direction incorporating ideas of pitch, melody and staff.
- differentiate between major and minor tonalities.
- listen to, sing and identify various harmonic forms.
At this level, students may participate in Orchestra (Intermediate Strings) and Instrumental Music (Intermediate Band 5).
Middle School
Ms. Heidi Kohne, Mr. Matt Hickly, Mr. Tom Hartwell
General Music 6 - All 6th grade students enrolled in this course receive instruction in music 3 days/week from an elementary music specialist. Elementary music teachers work with the children to develop an appreciation of and an interest in music and to develop music-making skills through a variety of musical methods. All children participate in singing, movement, playing Orff instruments and unpitched instruments, and reading rhythmic and melodic notation.
General Music 7 - General Music is designed to give students a hands-on learning experience and meets three days a week. Students will play many forms of drums, rattles and shakers in classroom world drumming. Students will learn to play six-string acoustic guitars in addition to reading treble clef notation, guitar tablature and chord diagrams. Students will watch musical theatre productions and listen to many genres of music. Students will analyze song lyrics and create their own lyrics.
Music Appreciation 8 - Music Appreciation is designed to provide experiences that heighten awareness and understanding of the art of music. Students will develop aural skills by listening to many forms of music. Students will play six-string acoustic guitars throughout this semester course. Students will read standard treble clef music notation in addition to guitar tablature and chord charts. Students will acquire proper right and left hand technique as we play notes and chords in first position. Musical concepts, such as theory and composition, will be introduced and reinforced via computer technology. This course is a semester course that is followed or preceded by a semester-long study hall.
High School
Guitar Ensemble - Grades 9 to 12 - Guitar Ensemble is offered for the student that wants to improve their guitar playing ability. All skill levels are welcome. Musical selections ranging from Popular, Classical, Rock, Blues and Jazz will be presented. Students will have the opportunity to perform in individual, duet, trio, quartet and full ensemble format. After school rehearsals will be offered weekly, but attendance is not mandatory. Note: Students will be required to perform in one evening performance per semester as this will be their final exam. Students may elect this class for one semester or a full year.
World Drumming Ensemble - This voluntary group meets during homeroom two days per week, learning various world drumming and percussion polyrhythms to perform at events throughout the year. The drumming ensemble has performed at the districtwide Arts Alive evening, middle school talent show and with the middle school choirs at several concerts. The world drumming ensemble is open to any middle school student with an interest in performing percussion music together.
Band Program (Grades 4-12)
Elementary Band
Mr. Jeff Lucas (Ross/McIntyre)
Mrs. Jessica Webster (Highcliff/West View)
Students in grades 4 and 5 who are interested in learning to play woodwind, brass and percussion instruments are invited to participate in the Elementary Instrumental Music Program. Beginning in the grade 4, North Hills School District offers intermediate grade-level students the opportunity to learn to perform on one of following instruments flute, clarinet, oboe, alto saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone, tuba and percussion instruments such as mallet instruments, drums and auxiliary instruments. In grades 5 and 6, additional instruments are offered including piccolo, bass clarinet, tenor and baritone saxophones and double French horn. Large, school-owned instruments such as the French horn, baritone and tuba are available to interested students.
Two full-time teachers are employed to instruct Grades 4 and 5 students in small-group settings on a 6-day rotation throughout the school year at all elementary buildings. At the conclusion of the students’ fifth-grade year, they are then able to continue performing on their selected instruments by participating in one of the many band ensembles at the middle school.
Middle School Band
Mr. Jeff Lucas, Mrs. Jessica Webster, Mr. Tom Hartwell, Mr. Lucas Beaver
Band 6 - In grade 6, students interested in learning to play woodwind, brass and percussion instruments are invited to participate 3 days per week, including an ensemble once per week. The other 2 days per week are PE. Beginning in the grade four, the North Hills School District offers intermediate gradelevel students the opportunity to learn to perform on one of following instruments: flute, clarinet, oboe, alto saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone, tuba and percussion instruments such as mallet instruments, drums and auxiliary instruments. In grades 5 and 6, additional instruments are offered including piccolo, bass clarinet, tenor and baritone saxophones and double French horn.
Beginning Band 7 - Beginning Band provides an opportunity for those students who did not play a band instrument during their elementary school years to become a part of the North Hills Band program. This class also provides an opportunity for those students who want to resume playing a band instrument at the middle school. The school can provide some instruments on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students will be preauditioned and recommended by the elementary band instructors or by the middle school band teacher.
Cadet Band 7 - Cadet Band is for Grade 7 students who have studied a band instrument in elementary school and who are ready to develop more extensive musical skills. The band will engage in a variety of concerts throughout the school year. Students will be recommended to Cadet Band by their elementary band instructor.
Varsity Band 8 - Varsity Band is for Grade 8 students who have developed musical skills through participation in either Beginning or Cadet Band. Students will study various exercises to continue to build technique and musicianship. The band will engage in a variety of concerts throughout the school year. Students will be recommended to the Varsity Band by their band instructor.
Middle School Wind Ensemble - Middle School Wind Ensemble Concert Band is an advanced class for Grade 8 students who successfully audition by playing test and excel in all aspects of band classroom rehearsal. Students will study various exercises to continue to build technique and musicianship as well as play music ranging from elementary to high school levels of difficulty. The band will engage in a variety of concerts throughout the school year.
Jazz Band - The middle school school offers two (depending on each year's interest) jazz ensemble experiences after school. The groups perform in concerts with the other bands during the year and also at the districtwide Arts Alive.
Marching Band - Band students in grades 8 to 12 may join the award-winning North Hills High School Marching Band. The band performs at all home and away football games, competitions and festivals during the year and has traveled all over the country on trips that have brought them back many accolades including participation in the 2001 Inaugural Parade, 2003 St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City, 2007 Cherry Blossom Parade in Washington, D.C. and the 2013 Chicago St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Additional Middle School Band Opportunities
Those involved in the band program also have the opportunity to perform in various ensembles and festivals within and outside the North Hills School District. These include:
PMEA District Band - District 1 of the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association holds a band festival each year at a school in the area which brings together students from many school districts for an honors ensemble experience with a guest conductor. Students are selected by teacher recommendation and selection committee to participate in this festival, usually held in the spring.
Exchange Concerts - In some years, the bands at North Hills Middle School participate in an exchange partnership experience with another school's band program. The students learn some of the same music, perform for each other and benefit from working with the partner school's teacher. Concerts usually rotate between North Hills and the exchange school location over the course of several years.
Ensemble Experiences - Allegheny Valley Honors Band and Northern Area Honors Band.
High School Band
Mr. Len Lavelle, Mr. Lucas Beaver
Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Symphony and Wind Ensemble - The high school band program consists of four ensembles. Each ensemble performs a wide range of band literature in a variety of concerts throughout the year. Through the course students will gain musical skills, technical skills, ensemble skills and musical knowledge. Students are accepted and placed into each ensemble through audition and recommendation of the instructor. These ensembles require appointment through audition. Evening rehearsals and performances also are a required.
Jazz Band - Members of the Jazz Band receive training in swing, Latin and fusion music. Unless excused by the director, students are required to be in one of the school’s performing ensembles. Evening rehearsals and performances are a requirement of this course, and entry is by audition only.
Jazz II - Students who are interested in performing jazz music that either may not have successfully auditioned for the Jazz Band class, or who were not able to fit it into their schedules are invited to participate in Jazz II, an extra-curricular, after-school jazz ensemble. Jazz II participates in several evening performances throughout the year, including Jazz Night and Mardi Gras.
Marching Band - Band students in grades 8 to 12 may join the award-winning North Hills High School Marching Band. The band performs at all home and away football games, competitions and festivals during the year and has traveled all over the country on trips that have brought them back many accolades including participation in the 2001 Inaugural Parade, 2003 St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City, 2007 Cherry Blossom Parade in Washington, D.C. and the 2013 Chicago St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Additional High School Opportunities
Members of the band program at NHHS perform at various festivals and with groups within and outside of the school district. These include:
PMEA Festivals - At the high school level, students audition for spaces in various levels of festival ensembles. Honors groups are single festivals, whereas students in the district-level festivals have the opportunity to advance to regional, all-state, all-eastern and national ensembles. These festivals include:
- PMEA Honors Jazz festival
- PMEA Honors Band
- PMEA District Band
- PMEA Region Band
- PMEA All-State Band
- PMEA All-State Jazz Band
- MENC All Eastern Band
High School Musical Pit Orchestra/Band - Members of the high school instrumental program have the opportunity to accompany the cast and crew in live performance of the annual Drama Club spring musical. The pit begins rehearsals in late January/early February and puts on seven performances of the production during the two weekends of the show's run.
Chamber Ensembles - These groups vary each year based on student interest and availability. Some of the groups organized by student musicians in the past include saxophone, trombone, flute, brass, and percussion ensembles.
Choral Program (Grades 4-12)
Children's Choir
Ms. Lisa Marcellus, Mrs. Emma Jenkins
The North Hills School District Children’s Choir is open to any student in grades 4 and 5 who wants to sing in a group setting outside of the regular vocal music classroom. The group meets on Mondays in the West View Elementary School auditorium and presents a winter holiday concert, a spring concert, and performs several holiday selections at Ross Park Mall in December.
PMEA Sing Fest
The Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) sponsors a one-day fest for students in grades 5 and 6 in the spring at a school within the five-county District 1 area. A guest conductor leads the students in preparation for a public evening concert, and students also participate in music enrichment activities throughout the day. Students are chosen for this opportunity by teacher recommendation and a selection committee put together by the organizing host director.
Middle School Choirs
Mrs. Renée Triscila, Mr. Shaun Cloonan
Chorus 6 - Chorus 6 is an introduction to vocal technique, singing skills, part-singing, and performance of choral literature. Emphasis is placed on ensemble performance, with several required evening concerts for the public showcasing skills learned in class. Opportunities for more advanced study are available through select extra-curricular ensembles and festival experiences. No audition or previous experience in chorus is required.
Chorus 7 - Chorus 7 is an introduction to vocal technique, singing skills, part-singing and performance of choral literature. Emphasis is placed on ensemble performance with several required evening concerts for the public showcasing skills learned in class. Opportunities for more advanced study are available through select extracurricular ensembles and festival experiences. No audition or previous experience in chorus is required.
Chorus 8 - Students enrolled in Chorus 8 build upon the skills learned in Chorus 7 by experiencing a more intense study of vocal techniques, ear training, and choral literature from around the world and from various periods in music history. Classroom experiences culminate in several required public performances throughout the year. Opportunities for participation in festivals and select ensembles outside of the regular classroom are also available. Previous experience in chorus is preferred but not required.
Additional Middle School Opportunities
Concert Choir - This is a select group of singers from each of the Grade 7 and 8 choral groups as well as students in band, orchestra, general music, and music appreciation classes. The Concert Choir meets during homeroom activity period three days a week. Concert Choir typically performs two to three selections at each concert, usually of a greater degree of difficulty, sometimes with accompanying instruments or in other languages. They also perform annually at the High Note Festival at Carnegie Mellon University and have consistently earned a Superior rating.
Winter Musical - The Winter Musical is open to students in grades 7-9. Members of the Drama Club present a musical production annually during the last weekend in January. These musicals are shortened versions of full-scale shows, and are designed specifically for middle school voices. In addition to the cast members performing on stage, a Tech Crew is selected as part of the Drama Club to build set pieces and manage the behind-the-scenes aspects of the show, such as scene changes, light and sound operation. High School student directors assist in all aspects of the production under adult supervision as well. Auditions are held for the cast at the end of October.
PMEA District Chorus - Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) sponsors a two-day festival for students in grades 7 to 9 in the spring at a school within the five-county District 1 area. A guest conductor leads the students in preparation for a public concert. Students are chosen for this opportunity by teacher recommendation and a selection committee put together by the organizing host director.
High School Choirs
Mr. Shaun Cloonan
Chorale - comprised mostly of freshmen and sophomore girls selecting choir on their schedules, this class emphasizes part independence and refinement of the soprano and alto sound while covering a wide variety of musical styles. Chorale may be taken for either one semester or a full year as schedules permit. Chorale performs on all high school concerts along with the Symphonic Choir and also collaborates with them on special performances of larger works with the bands or orchestra. This ensemble has participated in a fall regional Women's Choral Festival along with 4 other female ensembles ranging from high school to college and community choirs held at the First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood. At the Music in the Parks festival, these singers have performed well, earning a 1st Place/Superior rating in 2013 at Kings Island and a 2nd Place/Excellent rating in 2015 at Hershey Park.
Symphonic Choir - The Symphonic Choir is the large mixed vocal ensemble of the high school choral program. Women in grades 11 and 12 (as well as some select 10th grade women), and men in grades 9-12 enrolled in choir class are a part of this group, which performs 3 concerts annually. Choir meets daily and can be taken for either one semester or a full year. Music learned and performed covers a wide range, from early Renaissance motets to folk songs, classical to world music, Broadway and musical theatre selections to vocal jazz and pop standards. The Symphonic Choir has performed with the River City Brass Band, and collaborates semi-annually with the instrumental ensembles on a major work (Fall 2015: performance of Faure's Requiem). Most recently, this ensemble was featured at the Pittsburgh Concert Chorale's 3rd annual Festival of Choirs at Carnegie Music Hall in October 2014. As competitive performers, the Symphonic Choir has earned 1st Place/Superior (2013 at Kings Island) and 2nd Place/Superior (2015 at Hershey Park) ratings in the Music in the Parks festivals.
Additional High School Opportunities
North Hills Singers - Students enrolled in the Symphonic Choir may audition for the North Hills Singers, a select 30-member mixed vocal ensemble focusing on challenging music for chamber choirs, vocal jazz, Broadway, pop, and music suitable for community performances at senior centers, churches and luncheons. The group also frequently sings the national anthem and alma mater at select sporting and district-sponsored events. The North Hills Singers meet Mondays and Tuesdays weekly.
Madrigal Choir - The Madrigal Choir meets seasonally to provide musical entertainment during the Choral Parent Association’s Madrigal Dinner fundraiser as well as during the district’s Arts Alive celebration, strolling through the hallways. This group meets on an as-needed basis around the time before these events. The Madrigal Choir performs in period costume.
Spring Musical - Members of the High School Drama Club present a fall play in November and a musical production annually during the last two weekends before spring break each year. Auditions are held for the play in September and for the musical in January.
Additional Festival Opportunities
- Allegheny County Chorus Festival
- PMEA Honors Choir Festival (Grades 9-12)
- PMEA District Chorus (grades 10-12) with opportunities to advance to Region and All-State Chorus
- PMEA Junior High District Chorus West (grade 9 singers)
- ACDA Honor Choirs
Strings Program (Grades 4-12)
Mrs. Allison Craig
Students in grades 4 and 5 who are interested in learning to play a string instrument are invited to participate in the Elementary Instrumental Music Program. Beginning in Grade 4, North Hills School District offers intermediate grade-level students the opportunity to learn to perform on one of the following instruments - violin, viola, cello and double bass. Large school-owned instruments such as the Cello and Double Bass are available to interested students.
One music teacher is employed to instruct Grades 4 and 5 students in small-group settings twice per six-day rotation throughout the school year at all four elementary buildings. At the conclusion of the students’ Grade 6 year, they are then able to continue performing on their selected instruments by participating in the middle school orchestra.
Middle School
Mr. Nick Vranesevic & Mrs. Allison Craig
Orchestra 6 - Orchestra 6 is for students who have studied an orchestra instrument in elementary school and also provides an opportunity for students to begin a string instrument for the first time. Basic instrument technique and musical skills will be covered as the students learn to perform a variety of music. Instruction will be differentiated in a manner that will meet the needs of all learners regardless of skill level. The orchestra will also participate in performances throughout the year. Beginning students will meet with the 6th grade orchestra instructor in advance to select their instrument. Some instruments are provided by the district for student use.
Orchestra 7 - Orchestra 7 is for students who have studied an orchestra instrument in elementary school and also provides an opportunity for students to begin a string instrument for the first time. Basic instrument technique and musical skills will be covered as the students learn to perform a variety of music. Instruction will be differentiated in a manner that will meet the needs of all learners regardless of skill level. The orchestra will also participate in performances throughout the year. Beginning students will meet with the middle school orchestra instructor in advance to select their instrument. Some instruments are provided by the district for student use.
Orchestra 8 - Orchestra is an elective musical ensemble that is open to all string players. Students will study various exercises to build technique and musicianship.Performance material will include excerpts from classical and modern repertoire.The Orchestra will engage in a a variety of concerts throughout the school year.
Additional Middle School Opportunities
Students in the middle school school strings program have the opportunity to participate in several performing activities both within and outside of North Hills School District.
- PMEA (PA Music Educators Association) District Orchestra festival
- Northern Area Honors Ensemble
- Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra
- Three Rivers Young People's Orchestra
- Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Ambassador program
High School
Mr. Nick Vranesevic
String Orchestra - Orchestra is open to all string players and provides many opportunities to study and perform all styles of authentic string orchestra and orchestral literature. Orchestra performs school and community concerts throughout the year. Members participate in numerous Pennsylvania Music Educators Association sponsored festivals; many varied enrichment programs and classes in collaboration with local colleges and universities. Evening rehearsals and performances are a requirement of this course.
Chamber Orchestra - This advanced ensemble is selected by audition and teacher recommendation and focuses on more challenging literature composed for fewer instruments. The Chamber Orchestra performs on all orchestra concerts, at the collage concert, and out in the community. They participate in adjudications, invitationals, and a tour to elementary schools.
Additional High School Opportunities
Rock Orchestra - This unique ensemble brings together string players with rhythm instruments typically found in the jazz band. Strings are played on electric instruments as opposed to the traditional acoustic versions, and repertoire covers a wide range of rock and contemporary styles. The Rock Orchestra was recognized as invited performers at the Pennsylvania School Board Association convention in Hershey, PA in October 2014.
Pit Orchestra - depending on instrumentation and need for the show, string students have the opportunity to play in the pit orchestra for the annual spring musical production. Rehearsals are after school beginning in January and continue through tech week and the 7-night run of the show in the spring.
In addition to playing in the high school orchestra, string players at NHHS have the opportunity to perform at festivals and with ensembles both in and out of the district. A few such ensembles include:
- PMEA Honors, District, Regional and All-State Orchestras
- MENC National Orchestra
- WVU Honors Orchestra
- Strings North Festival
- Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Ambassadors program
- Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra
- Three Rivers Young People's Orchestra
- Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Side-by-Side Concert
Music Theory & Technology
High School
Mr. Matt Hickly
North Hills High School's music department is equipped with a fine arts lab, which enables music theory and technology courses to be offered. This lab includes a teacher workstation, LCD projector, printer and 12 student workstations with the following components:
- 27" iMac computers, running OSX Catalina
- Yamaha MIDI Keyboard with USB connector
- Focusrite 2i2 - 2.0 USB Audio Interface with
- AKG K240 MK II semi-open studio headphones
- MakeMusic Finale v26 notation software
- Audacity digital audio workstation software
- Adobe Audition digital audio workstation software
- Access to Breezin’ Thru Theory & Composing online lessons
- GarageBand & iMovie
- Access to Noteflight Learn online notation software
Music Theory
The purpose of this course is to enhance the students’ understanding of the underlying principles of music. The course covers topics ranging from basic rhythm to modes of the minor scale. Students will also explore music software and online resources throughout the class. Successful completion of this course is recommended to enroll in Music Technology and/or AP Music Theory.
Semester Course, Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Music Technology
The purpose of this course is to explore technology resources used to create, evaluate, arrange, and perform music. Real-world applications of music technology are discussed, and topics covered include: sound systems and recording, film scoring, radio commercials and jingles. Apps & programs utilized include Incredibox, GarageBand, iMovie, Noteflight, Adobe Audition, and Audacity.
Semester Course, Grade Level: 10, 11, 12. Recommended experience with music theory to register
AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory
AP Music Theory develops a student’s ability to recognize, understand and describe the basic materials and processes of music that are heard or presented in a score. The achievement of this goal is promoted by integrated approaches to the student’s development of aural, sight-singing, written, analytic and compositional skills.
Full-Year Course, Grade Level: 10, 11, 12. Prerequisite: Music Theory or Teacher Recommendation.