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Believing that music study is an essential and integral part of every child’s education, we will prepare students for success through music allowing them to become lifelong music learners.

To serve our students and community by creating one of the nation’s finest school music programs.

The North Hills Music Department is committed to the ideas that:

  • Music is a unique and integral part of the human experience
  • Music performance stimulates the entire brain in powerful ways
  • Music study positively impacts other experiences within a school and in a community
  • All students can and should learn a sequential and standards-based music curriculum delivered by certified music educators as a critical component of the program of study
  • Music study can develop students who are critical thinkers, self-directed learners, effective and creative communicators, informed and responsible citizens, collaborative workers and quality producers 

North Hills School District has a thriving and rigorous music curriculum that has a long tradition of excellence. Rooted in the National Standards for Music Education published by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) and also aligned with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Arts and Humanities, North Hills prides itself on reaching students at all grade levels.
