Pennsylvania Act 120 of 2024, which amended the Public School Code of 1949, requires that school districts provide information regarding ticks and Lyme disease.
Ticks can transmit disease and make people sick. A common illness caused by ticks in Pennsylvania is Lyme disease but not all tick bites lead to Lyme disease.
If a tick is found and removed, record the date and monitor for symptoms for 30 days.
Some people with Lyme disease will get a bull's-eye rash. Others may have an atypical rash but not everyone who has Lyme disease gets a rash. Other symptoms which may occur during the early stages of Lyme disease include chills, fever, headache, tiredness, stiff neck, joint pain or swelling and swollen lymph nodes.
If your student shows any of these symptoms, see a health care provider.
Lyme disease is treated with antibiotics. If untreated, infection may progress to joint, heart, brain or nerve abnormalities.
More information and resources on ticks can be found on the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s website.