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The North Hills School District recognizes the importance of student wellness as it pertains to physical well-being, growth, development and readiness to learn, and is committed to providing an environment that promotes proper nutrition and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience. In school, students will learn about and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle behaviors and practices that can improve achievement.

The guidelines below were developed in accordance with the North Hills School District Board of Education Wellness Policy and established to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for all.

Our teachers have been asked to enforce these policies and procedures. We ask for your help in supporting them by following these guidelines.

Elementary Procedures and Guidelines

Classroom Snack

Students in grade levels with a scheduled daily snack should be sent to school with an individual healthy snack. Shared snacks are not permitted.
Snacks must:

  • Not require refrigeration or utensils
  • Not contain peanuts or peanut butter
  • Be pre-packaged or in a snack- or sandwich-size resealable bag

Snacks containing trans fats or with sugar listed as the first/main ingredient should be avoided. Healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables with less than 150 calories per serving are encouraged.

Birthday Celebrations

Celebrating birthdays with classmates is an important and fun part of elementary school! Our teachers strive to make your child’s birthday special and will do so in a variety of ways without treats from home.
Sending in food treats can exclude children who have food allergies or dietary restrictions, and non-food treats put an unnecessary burden on families.

  • Treats (food or non-food) sent to school will not be distributed and will be returned home with your child.
  • Party invitations will not be distributed and will be returned home.

Classroom Parties

Seasonal classroom parties are held throughout the school year and planned by members of the parent organization under the guidance of the classroom teacher. Parents can provide one of each of the following for seasonal parties:

  • A healthy snack that is a fruit or vegetable
  • A special snack such as a cookie or small cupcake (must be pre-packaged with nutritional label and less than 200 calories per serving)
  • A beverage (water, fruit juice not to exceed 6 ounces or low-fat milk not to exceed 8 ounces)

All snacks must be pre-approved by the teacher who will consider the allergies and food restrictions of the students. Snacks that are not safe for all students will not be approved. Snacks sent to school that are not pre-approved, including candy bags and candy attached to cards, will not be served and will be returned home with the child who brought them to school.

Class Rewards

As part of the Positive Behavior System in our elementary schools, students work together to earn class rewards or participate in school-wide incentives. Rewards and incentives will be determined by teachers and will not include food.

Special Events

Special events that acknowledge cultural differences or enhance the curriculum are sometimes planned by classroom teachers. These events will generally not include food. If food is included, plans will be advertised in advance, food restrictions will be considered in the planning process and the school principal must approve.

Wellness Survey

Federal regulations require local education agencies participating in the National School Lunch Program to complete an assessment of their local wellness policy at least once every three years.