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Impact Awards

Has a teacher or staff member connected to North Hills School District made a lasting impact on you?

We suspect that there are a lot of great testimonials out there regarding how much someone at North Hills has impacted you or someone close to you.  

Have you ever wanted to have the chance to honor that impactful someone?

You now can! With the Impact Award you can post a note or testimonial to a teacher or staff member (past or present) to show your appreciation for all that they do! Make a $50 donation and post a note, testimonial, or memory on our district's impact board.

Each tax-deductible gift of $50 or more to the North Hills Foundation will permanently commemorate the accomplishments of an important individual you and/or your family wish to recognize. Your contributions will help to enhance and enrich the educational experience at North Hills.

Step 1: Make the Donation here

Step 2:  Write your personal impact post on the North Hills Foundation Kudoboard found below.