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North Hills Foundation



To support and enrich the educational experience at North Hills.


Committed to championing, supporting, and financing the students of North Hills School District to excel in academics, arts, and athletics.


In early 2001, a group of community leaders convened to address the diverse needs of our children and assess existing support systems. It became evident that various organizations serving our youth shared common challenges and needs. Recognizing the opportunity for unified action, our mission began: to optimize the allocation of community resources to benefit our children, the future leaders of our community.

Founded as a non-profit, tax-exempt 501c(3) organization, the North Hills Foundation operates independently of the district, sustained entirely by the generosity of individuals, businesses, and organizations. Governed by a dedicated Board of Directors, we prioritize transparency and community involvement, welcoming all who share our commitment to empowering the youth of our region.


Your contribution has the power to support and enrich the educational experience of all North Hills students as well as the remarkable work of our teachers. 



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