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Virtual Learning

Any student in grades K-12 can choose to enroll in virtual courses at North Hills and enrollment can be full-time or part-time.

Virtual learning students who reside in the North Hills School District enjoy access to the same resources as traditional students. They may attend athletic and social events, compete in athletics, and participate in the more than 50 clubs and activities offered at the middle and high schools.

Virtual learning students graduate from North Hills as traditional students, participate in commencement and receive a North Hills School District diploma. Virtual learning students must meet the same graduation requirements as students who attend the district’s brick-and-mortar schools. Complete graduation requirements can be found in the high school student handbook.

Students interested in enrolling in virtual courses at North Hills should schedule an appointment with their school counselor to determine if online learning is right for them. Questions can also be directed to Assistant Superintendent Dr. Beth Williams or their building principal.

Please note: Students who enroll in Virtual Learning K-12 will remain enrolled for an entire grading period. Changes to enrollment after completion of any quarter can be made by contacting the building principal.

Program Overview & Enrollment

Frequently Asked Questions