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College in High School

The College in High School (CHS) Program enables North Hills’ teachers to work with local universities in a partnership to offer college-level courses. CHS courses provide high school students the opportunity to earn college credits and receive a grade on a university transcript for courses successfully completed at North Hills High School. In many cases, students may transfer these credits to other universities.

Students enrolling in the CHS program will be required to pay a nominal fee to the universities for each course. North Hills High School has concurrent enrollment agreements with Seton Hills University, Point Park University, Carlow University, Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC), La Roche University and the University of Pittsburgh.

2023-24 CHS Courses Offered

  • CHS Accounting 2: Robert Morris University
  • CHS Anatomy and Physiology 1: Carlow University 
  • CHS Anatomy and Physiology 2: Carlow University
  • CHS Argumentation:  University of Pittsburgh
  • CHS Chemistry:  University of Pittsburgh
  • CHS Business Calculus: University of Pittsburgh 
  • CHS French 1: University of Pittsburgh
  • CHS French 2: University of Pittsburgh
  • CHS German 1: University of Pittsburgh
  • CHS German 2: University of Pittsburgh
  • CHS Latin Prose: University of Pittsburgh
  • CHS Latin Verse: University of Pittsburgh
  • CHS Microsoft Applications: La Roche University
  • CHS Media and Communication: Point Park University
  • CHS Pottery: Carlow University
  • CHS Probability and Statistics: University of Pittsburgh
  • CHS Psychology: Seton Hill University
  • CHS Nutrition: Seton Hill University 
  • CHS Computer Science: University of Pittsburgh
  • CHS Spanish 1: University of Pittsburgh
  • CHS Spanish 2: University of Pittsburgh
  • CHS Sports, Arts and Entertainment Management: Point Park Univ.
  • CHS Welding: Community College of Allegheny County
  • CHS Child Growth and Development: Seton Hill University
  • CHS Game Design 1: CCAC
  • CHS Game Design 2: CCAC
  • CHS Web and Media Development: CCAC