Flexible Instructional Day (FID) Program
North Hills School District participates in the Pennsylvania Department of Education's Flexible Instructional Day Program. Up to five (5) Flexible Instructional Days, or FIDs, may be used each school year in the event of inclement weather or a building emergency.
If a FID is called, the change will be communicated through our normal means including phone call, text message and email, posted on our website and social media, and shared by local TV stations KDKA, WPXI and WTAE.
All teaching and learning on an FID will be asynchronous through Google Classroom. Students will be required to confirm attendance and all work and assignments should be completed on the day of the FID and submitted as instructed by their teacher(s).
If you need special accommodations or an extenuating circumstance arises, contact your child’s teacher(s). Students who are absent on a FID will be required to make up missed work as assigned.
Flexible Instructional Day Attendance & Expectations
All students must complete the online attendance form linked here to confirm attendance for each Flexible Instructional Day. Students must be logged into their NHSD Google account to view and complete the form. Using their iPad will ensure all students are logged into their NHSD Google account and attendance is accurately recorded. The form can be submitted anytime from 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. on the FID.
A student’s NHSD Google account is their network login followed by @students.nhsd.net. In most cases, a student's network login is student last name + first name initial + last two digits of graduation year. The password for both a student’s network account and Google account is nhsd followed by the student's cafeteria account PIN.
A student's network username and password can be found in PowerSchool when logged in through a web browser under the "My Schedule" tab.
Assignments & Communication with Teachers
All work and assignments should be completed on the day of the FID and submitted as instructed by teachers.
All questions should be directed to your child's teacher(s). Please also contact your child's teacher(s) if you need special accommodations or an extenuating circumstance arises.
Teachers will work the same hours as a regular school day and can be reached via email or through Class Dojo at the elementary level. Please refer to the Grades and Attendance tab in PowerSchool to find a teacher's email address.