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Academic Services

Academic or Pupil Services include special education, gifted education and guidance, student health and early intervention.

  • Learning Support: For students whose primary identified need is academic learning
  • Gifted Support: For students who show outstanding intellectual ability which requires more enrichment activities and opportunities in and out of the classroom
  • Emotional Support: Students with personal, behavioral or emotional issues that interfere with learning and adjustment
  • Life Skills Support: For students who need to develop skills for independent living
  • Speech and Language Support: For students with communication impairments which affect their academic achievement
  • Hearing Impaired Support: For students with hearing impairments which interfere with the development of their communication processes
  • Visually Impaired Support: For students who have a visual impairment which adversely affects their educational performance
  • Autistic Support: For students who need specialized education services to effectively meet the needs of autism

Services designed to meet the needs of eligible students include the development of an individualized education program (IEP), periodic multidisciplinary re-evaluation, supportive intervention in the regular class or in a special education resource program, placement in a itinerant or supplemental special education class in a regular school or placement in a full-time special education class outside of the regular school.

The extent of special education services and the location for the delivery of such services are determined by the parents and staff at the IEP team meeting and is based on the student's identified needs and abilities, chronological age and the level of intensity of the specified intervention.

The school district also provides related services, such as transportation, speech and language therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy that are necessary to enable the student to derive educational benefits.

Screening, Evaluation and Placement

North Hills School District uses the following procedures as required by law for locating, identifying and evaluating the specialized needs of school-age students who may require special programs or services.


Special Education Plan

Links & Resources

Required Notices & Disclosures